The Pokémon Sun & Moon anime series is the new saga within the Pokémon anime series to tie in with the release of the Pokémon Sun & Moon videogames. After his travel through Kalos, earning the Top 2 position, Ash heads to the tranquil island of Alola, but with no gyms there Ash, followed once again by Team Rocket members, Jessie, James and Meowth
- Pokemon Sun And Moon Brock And Misty Returns Full Episode English Dub
- Pokemon Sun And Moon Ultra Legends Episodes English Dub
- Pokemon Sun And Moon Full Episodes English Dub Youtube
- Pokemon Sun And Moon English Dubbed
- Pokemon Sun And Moon Episodes English Dubbed
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Episode Listing
Below is a list of all the episodes within the saga
# | -English Episode Name- | -Jap. Episode Name- | Pics |
944 | Alola to New Adventure! | Alola! New Islands, New Pokémon!! | Pics |
945 | The Guardian's Challenge! | Enter the Guardian Deity Tapu Koko! Let Us Attempt To Master Our Z-Move! | Pics |
946 | Loading the Dex! | Good Rotomorning, I am the Rotomdex, Roto! | Pics |
947 | First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-style! | Enter Rowlet! I Got A Pokémon in Alola!! | Pics |
948 | Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio! | Popplio, Do Your Balloonest! | Pics |
949 | A Shocking Grocery Run! | Zing Zap Togedemaru! | Pics |
950 | That's Why Litten is a Scamp! | The Marketplace Wanderer, Litten! | Pics |
951 | Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge! | Who's in Charge of the Egg? | Pics |
952 | To Top A Totem! | The Totem Pokémon is Gumshoos! | Pics |
953 | Trial and Tribulation | Will the Z-Move Work?! Challenging the Grand Trial!! | Pics |
954 | Young Kiawe Had a Farm | Ash visits Kiawe! | Pics |
955 | The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair! | The Extracurricular Lesson is on Mareanie?! | Pics |
956 | Racing to a Big Event! | The Great Alola Pancake Race! | Pics |
957 | Getting to Know You! | The Fruit of Courage: Lillie and Vulpix! | Pics |
958 | Rocking Clawmark Hill! | Scratchmark Hill, Rockruff and Lycanroc!! | Pics |
959 | They Might Not Be Giants! | A Tiny Trio on a Big Adventure!! | Pics |
960 | Crystal-Clear Sleuthing! | Alola Detective Rotom! The Mystery of the Lost Crystal!! | Pics |
961 | A Seasoned Search! | For Real?! Mallow's Cooking Operation! | Pics |
962 | A Guardian Rematch! | Intense Electric Shock Training! A Rematch with Tapu Koko!! | Pics |
963 | Partner Promises! | The Promise Between Ash and Pikachu | Pics |
964 | One Journey Ends, Another Begins... | It is Time for Litten to Set Off!! | Pics |
965 | A Shivering Shovel Search! | Beware of Shovels!!! | Pics |
966 | Getting the Band Back Together! | Here's a Real Shocker! A Dugtrio Split-Up?! | Pics |
967 | Alolan Open House! | Alola! The First Visitation Day!! | Pics |
968 | A Team-on-Team Tussle! | The Fight Over the Crystal! Team Rocket VS Team Skull!! | Pics |
969 | So Long, Sophocles! | Farewell, Sophocles! | Pics |
970 | A Glaring Rivalry! | Come Forth, Lycanroc with the Crimson Look!! | Pics |
971 | Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper | The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! | Pics |
972 | Lulled to La-La Land! | Hey Mush, Are You Going to Sleep in the Morelull Forest Too? | Pics |
973 | The Ol' Raise and Switch | Lillie, Take Good Care of Pikachu | Pics |
974 | The Island Whisperer! | Enter Olivia! Cry and Laugh, Island Queen!! | Pics |
975 | Treasure Hunt, Akala Style! | We Found a Treasure! Stoutland Search!! | Pics |
976 | Big Sky, Small Fry! | Little Wishiwashi Isn't Lacking, It's the Lord of the Lake! | Pics |
977 | A Crowning Moment of Truth! | A Fire Battle! Marowak Shows Up! | Pics |
978 | Currying Favor and Flavor! | A Curry-zy Beautiful Battle! The Dance of Lurantis! | Pics |
979 | Trials and Determinations! | Olivia's Grand Trial! The Hardest Pokémon Match Ever!! | Pics |
980 | Rising from the Ruins! | Rockruff and the Guardian Diety of the Ruins of Life | Pics |
981 | Mimikyu Unmasked | Mimikyu's Disguise! | Pics |
982 | Mallow and the Forest Teacher! | Mallow the Runaway and Oranguru! | Pics |
983 | Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence! | Popplio, Brionne and the An-chor-gry Dhelmise! | Pics |
984 | Mounting an Electrifying Charge! | Dash, Charjabug! | Pics |
985 | Alola, Kanto | An Alola! in Kanto! Brock & Misty!! | Pics |
986 | When Regions Collide! | Gym Battle! Z-Move VS Mega Evolution!! | Pics |
987 | A Dream Encounter! | Ash and Nebby! A Mysterious Encounter!! | Pics |
988 | Now You See Them, Now You Don't! | Nebby's Panic! The Teleport Happened Suddenly!!!! | Pics |
989 | Deceiving Appearances! | C'mon, Search for the Transformed Ditto! | Pics |
990 | A Masked Warning! | Gladion & Silvally! The Confinement Mask!! | Pics |
991 | Night of a Thousand Poses! | Strike a Fully Powered Pose for a Sleepover! | Pics |
992 | Mission: Total Recall! | Lillie & Silvally: Memories Reborn! | Pics |
993 | Faba's Revenge! | Faba Strikes Back! Nebby Gets Abducted!! | Pics |
994 | Family Determination! | EffortfuLillie! A Determined Runaway Act! | Pics |
995 | Revealing the Stuff of Legend! | The Altar of the Sunne! Solgaleo Descends!! | Pics |
996 | Rescuing the Unwilling! | Hurry Up! Operation: Rescue Lusamine!! | Pics |
997 | 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight! | Shine, Z-Power Ring! A Super Fully Powered 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!! | Pics |
998 | The Professors’ New Adventure! | Thank You, Solgaleo! You are Our Nebby!! | Pics |
999 | Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! | A Strong Sleeper: Komala's Secret | Pics |
1000 | The Dex Can't Help It! | Rotom Won't Stop Undergoing Forme Change! | Pics |
1001 | Fighting Back The Tears! | Don't Cry-de, Mareanie! | Pics |
1002 | Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet! | Mallow & Lana: Bittersweet Memories! | Pics |
1003 | Getting a Jump on the Competition! | Lillie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament | Pics |
1004 | A Mission of Ultra Urgency! | Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! | Pics |
1005 | Acting True to Form! | The Dark Meowth is Alolan Meowth!? | Pics |
1006 | Pushing the Fiery Envelope! | Burn with Passion, Litten! Down with Incineroar!! | Pics |
1007 | TBC | Ash and Passimian! A Touchdown of Friendship!! | Pics |
1008 | Turning Heads and Training Hard! | Ilima and Eevee Have Ilimade Their Entrance!! | Pics |
1009 | Smashing with Sketch! | Smashing with Sketch! The Fierce Poké-Ping Pong Match!! | Pics |
1010 | Love at First Twirl! | Pika Pika Sparkling Love! Poipole Spins Round and Round!! | Pics |
1011 | Real Life...Inquire Within! | Work Experience! Around the Clock with the Pokémon Center! | Pics |
1012 | Rise and Shine, Starship! | Shine On, Starship Celesteela! | Pics |
1013 | The Young Flame Strikes Back! | Protect the Farm! The Blue Flame Strikes Back!! | Pics |
1014 | Dewpider Ascending! | Dewpider gets Lana! | Pics |
1015 | Sours for the Sweet! | Ta-Dough! Burn with Passion, Mallow's Family! | Pics |
1016 | Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime? | Team Rocket, Get a Z-Ring!! | Pics |
1017 | Tough Guy Trials! | This Tough Old Geezer's the Island Kahuna?! | Pics |
1018 | Some Kind of Laziness! | Tapu Bulu! Intense Slacker Training!! | Pics |
1019 | A Battle Hand-Off! | The Decisive Super Battle! Pikachu VS Mimikyu!! | Pics |
1020 | Guiding an Awakening! | Nanu's Grand Trial! The Awakening of Lycanroc! | Pics |
1021 | Twirling with a Bang! | Ultra Beast Clash! Operation: Boom Boom Crackle!! | Pics |
1022 | Showering the World With Love! | Minior and Poipole: A Promise that Got Lost in the Starry Skies! | Pics |
1023 | Not Caving Under Pressure! | A Sandshrew's Storm! An Ice Hole Double Battle!! | Pics |
1024 | A Young Royal Flame Ignites! | The Young Flame of Alola! The Birth of Royal Ash!! | Pics |
1025 | All They Want to Do is Dance Dance! | Won't You Give us a Dance Dance Evolution? | Pics |
1026 | Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! | Ash Becomes Tiny | Pics |
1027 | The Shape of Love to Come | The Shape of Family: Poipole's Feelings! | Pics |
1028 | The Long Vault Home! | Leap 'n' Climb: Stakataka! | Pics |
1029 | I Choose Paradise! | I Choose Here! The Pokémon Steam Paradise!! | Pics |
1030 | Filling the Light with Darkness! | Crisis in Alola! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!! | Pics |
1031 | Full Moon and Many Arms! | Lunala VS UB: BLACK! A Battle at Full Moon!! | Pics |
1032 | The Prism Between Light and Darkness! | A Prism of Light and Darkness: Its name is Necrozma! | Pics |
1033 | Securing the Future! | Connect to the Future! The Legend of the Blinding One!! | Pics |
1034 | A Plethora of Pikachu! | It's an Outbreak-chu! The Pikachu Valley!! | Pics |
1035 | Turning the Other Mask! | Kukui Up Against the Wall! A Second Masked Royal!! | Pics |
1036 | Lillier and the Staff! | The Hero Lilliel and the Alolan Cane! | Pics |
1037 | A Haunted House for Everyone! | Ghost Pokémon Everywhere! Everyone's Haunted House!! | Pics |
1038 | Sparking Confusion! | Wela Volcano: The Graveler, the Golem and the Hikers! | Pics |
1039 | Don't Ignore the Small Stufful! | Team Rocket & Stufful! | Pics |
1040 | No Stone Unturned! | Dartrix the Master!!! Rowlet the Sleeperzzz | Pics |
1041 | Bright Lights, Big Changes! | The Duo Splits Up!? Ash & Rotom | Pics |
1042 | We Know Where You're Going, Eevee! | Where is Eevee Going? To the End of the World for the Sake of a Meeting! | Pics |
1043 | Battling the Beast Within! | The Lightning that Blocks Wind! Its name is Zeraora | Pics |
1044 | Parallel Friendships! | Fire it Off! The Twin Gigavolt Havoc of Friendship!! | Pics |
1045 | Alola, Alola! | An Alola! in Alola! Brock and Misty! | Pics |
1046 | Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone! | A Passionate Heart That Smashes Even Rocks! Olivia and Brock!! | Pics |
1047 | That's Some Spicy Island Research! | Research Projects on Poni Island! Find the Island Kahuna!! | Pics |
1048 | Showdown on Poni Island! | Lycanroc Showdown! Ash VS Gladion!! | Pics |
1049 | Evolving Research! | We Have the Sea and We Have Valleys! Pokémon Evolution Training!! | Pics |
1050 | Run Heroes Run! | Run, Kiawe! Surpass Yourself!! | Pics |
1051 | Memories in the Mist! | In Tapu Fini's Mist | Pics |
1052 | A Grand Debut! | An Island Kahuna is Born! Ash's Grand Trial!! | Pics |
1053 | Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball! | Hole in One at PokéGolf | Pics |
1054 | Show Me the Metal! | Arrival in Alola! Melty Metal Panic!! | Pics |
1055 | Got Meltan? | A New Species Has Been Discovered! I Got a Meltan!! | Pics |
1056 | This Magik Moment! | A New Show?! The Tiny Melody of Magikarp | Pics |
1057 | Beauty is Only Crystal Deep! | Beauty and the Meowth! | Pics |
1058 | The Dealer of Destruction! | Guzma, Emperor of Destruction! | Pics |
1059 | The Secret Princess! | Lillie and the Secret Ingenuity Princess | Pics |
1060 | Drawn with the Wind! | Shaymin, Meltan and Sandy! Lost Explorers!! | Pics |
1061 | Aiming for the Top Floor! | Aim for the Top Floor! The Explosive Dragon Gym!! | Pics |
1062 | A High-Speed Awakening! | Superspeed Vikavolt! The Awakening of Sophocles!! | Pics |
1063 | The One That Didn't Get Away! | Lana Hooks a Kyogre?! | Pics |
1064 | A Recipe for Success! | Mallow's Valiant Effort! The Forest Pokémon Café!! | Pics |
1065 | Spying for the Big Guy! | You're Being Watched! Team Rocket's Alola Forms!! | Pics |
1066 | Fiery Training Camp Trick! | Master the Z-Move! Kiawe's Fierce Boot Camp!! | Pics |
1067 | Living on the Cutting Edge! | Perfect Sharpness! Kartana has Arrived! | Pics |
1068 | A Timeless Encounter! | Ash: A Timeless Encounter | Pics |
1069 | Pikachu's Exciting Adventure! | Pikachu's Exciting Expedition! | Pics |
1070 | Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams! | Gladion & Lillie! Chasing a Father's Phantom!! | Pics |
1071 | League Offenders and Defenders! | The Curtain Rises! The Alola Pokémon League!! | Pics |
1072 | Battle Royal 151 | Brawl! Battle Royal 151!! | Pics |
1073 | Battling Besties! | Mallow & Lana! A Fully Powered Battle of Friendship!! | Pics |
1074 | The Battlefield of Truth and Love! | Jessie VS James! A Battlefield of Love and Truth!! | Pics |
1075 | Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Strategy! | Overcome Decidueye!! | Pics |
1076 | Battling on the Wing! | A Birdacious Battle! Brave Bird VS Sky Attack!! | Pics |
1077 | The Road to the Semifinals! | Everyone's Fully Powered! The Road to the Semifinals!! | Pics |
1078 | The Final Four! | The Semifinals! Kiawe VS Gladion! | Pics |
1079 | Getting Down to The Ire! | Rising Fire! More Than One Rival!! | Pics |
1080 | The Wisdom Not to Run! | Guzma the Undefeated | Pics |
1081 | Final Rivals! | The Finals! The Ultimate Rival Showdown!! | Pics |
1082 | Enter the Champion! | He's Born! The Alolan League Winner! | Pics |
1083 | Z-Move Showdown! | Guzzlord Attacks! The Decisive Z-Move Battle!! | Pics |
1084 | Exhibition Unmasked! | Final Battle! Ash VS Kukui!! | Pics |
1085 | A Full Battle Bounty! | Burn with Passion! Get Filled with Intensity! A Full Battle!!! | Pics |
1086 | Fiery Surprises! | Conclusion! Incineroar VS Torracat!! | Pics |
1087 | From Z to Shining Z! | The Greatest Z in Alola! Tapu Koko VS Pikachu! | Pics |
1088 | Dreaming of the Sun and Moon! | The Sun, the Moon and Everyone's Dreams! | Pics |
1089 | TBC | Thank You, Alola! Respective Departures!! | Pics |
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- This article is about the sixth series of the anime. For its eponymous first season, see S20.For the series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, see Pokémon Trading Card Game → Sun & Moon Series. For other uses, see Sun and Moon.
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon (Japanese: ポケットモンスター サン&ムーンPocket Monsters Sun & Moon) is the sixth series of the Pokémon anime and is based on the events of the Generation VIIcore seriesPokémon games. It follows Pokémon the Series: XY and was succeeded by Pokémon Journeys: The Series. It ran from November 17, 2016 to November 3, 2019 in Japan and from May 12, 2017 to March 7, 2020 in the United States, although the first two episodes aired as a sneak peek in the United States on December 5, 2016.
Ash Ketchum heads off to a new region, Alola, wearing a new set of clothes with his partner Pikachu. Unlike the five previous series, however, Ash doesn't travel through the region. Instead, he becomes a student at the Pokémon School on Melemele Island, where he meets his new classmatesLana, Lillie, Mallow, Sophocles, and Kiawe. Ash receives a Z-Ring and takes on the island challenge to get new Z-Crystals and qualify as a Z-Move user. Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon is notable for Ash's friends not being present in every episode. Also, characters are usually seen keeping their Pokémon out of their Poké Balls in this series.
Pokemon Sun And Moon Brock And Misty Returns Full Episode English Dub
A new art style is implemented for the third series in a row, this time more drastically than the series that preceded it. With this new style, characters are drawn with a much more exaggerated, rounded, 'cartoony' style. Despite the new style, Sun & Moon took a more mature approach to storytelling. The subject of death was dealt with directly, with some Pokémon being seen dying, as well as showing a main character dealing with the death of a parent (as opposed to the usual instance of absent parents almost never being mentioned). The show also had a large reduction in the amount of 'characters of the day', with many apparent such characters reappearing commonly after their debuts.
Episodes in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon are numbered with the prefixSM on Bulbapedia. For a complete episode listing, see the list of Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon episodes.
- 4Gallery
- 4.2Characters
New adventure for Ash and Pikachu has started!
This new adventure takes place in the Alola region, full of nature. What awaits Ash and Pikachu in Alola, surrounded by an endless expanse of blue sky and seas? New Pokémon, new frinds, and new experiences… An adventure filled with aell sorts of new things begins at last! Ash also has a new look. Stay tuned for new adventures!
Let’s go! Full power! On a great adventure!!
Dub seasons
Like Pokémon the Series: XY, when Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon came to be dubbed into English and other languages, it was localized as a whole. While it is still divided into three seasons, they share a common title:
- Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon (SM001 - SM043)
- Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures (SM044 - SM063, SM065 - SM092)
- Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Legends (SM093 - SM146)
- Main article: Pokémon movie → Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
- For more images, please see artwork from Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon on the Bulbagarden Archives.
First Japanese poster
Second Japanese poster
Third Japanese poster
First version of the fourth Japanese poster
Second version of the fourth Japanese poster
Fifth Japanese poster
Pokémon Asia poster
English poster for Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon (Google Play)
English poster for Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon
English poster for Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon—Ultra Adventures
English poster for Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon—Ultra Legends
Main characters
Supporting characters
Pokemon Sun And Moon Ultra Legends Episodes English Dub
- This is the only series in which:
- Ash's outfit doesn't consist of a jacket or hoodie.
- Ash doesn't challenge Gyms for Badges.
- Ash keeps his Pokédex outside of his pocket.
- Ash doesn't catch the regional bird Pokémon or a Water-type Pokémon.
- Not all of Ash's friends appear in every episode despite being a main character.
- All of Ash's friends already knew each other before meeting Ash.
- Ash does not catch all of his starter Pokémon consecutively (of the series in which he catches more than one).
- Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are not distributed by city, with only one Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny per island instead.
- None of its movies (I Choose You!, The Power of Us, and Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution) take place in the same timeline or region as that of the anime, use its opening themes, or introduce any Pokémon from a future generation.
- Other main characters besides Ash, members of a villainous team, and a Pokémon Professor participate as competitors in a regional League Conference.
- Ash is the winner of a League Conference.
- Moreover, Ash doesn't end up battling and losing to Gary Oak after winning the main event.
- Every Pokémon introduced in the concurrent generation has made an appearance in the series they were introduced in the main series of the anime.
- One of Ash's Pokémon evolves off-screen after being caught.
- All of Ash's Pokémon he had on hand besides Pikachu are left somewhere other than Professor Oak's Lab.
- Neither Jessie nor James temporarily has a Pokémon.
- Out of all the series, this has the most:
- Human protagonists, with a total of six.
- Walking Pokémon, with a total of eight.
- Recurring wild Pokémon, with a total of 28.
- This is the first series:
- Where Ash has returned to Kanto in the middle of a regional journey.
- To feature in-person appearances by Misty and Jigglypuff since Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, and Brock since Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.
- To have an episodebanned in the English dub since the original series.
- To contain more episodes than the previous series.
- Ash has walking Pokémon other than Pikachu.
- In which a starter Pokémon owned by one of Ash's friends fully evolves before any of the starter Pokémon owned by Ash from the same region.
- Where all of the Pokémon Ash catches were befriended rather than battled.
- All of Ash's friends own a walking Pokémon.
- Ash doesn't have a Gym Leader as a traveling companion.
- To not have any special episodes after the finale since Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire.
- This is the last series:
- To feature Unshō Ishizuka prior to his death in August 2018.
- To have Shinji Miyazaki as the composer for the background music.
- To be dubbed by DuArt Media Services.
- Much like Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, one of Misty's reappearance arcs takes place in Kanto and one in the region that is the series' current setting.
- Two of Ash's Pokémon captures in this series marked three notable firsts for his team (not counting temporary captures):
- He caught his first genderless Pokémon with his Poipole.
- He caught his first Steel-type Pokémon with his Meltan.
- He caught his first Mythical Pokémon, also his Meltan.
- Ash took longer to catch a full team of six Pokémon in this series than any other. He caught his sixth Pokémon when his previously released Naganadel, then a Poipole, rejoined his team in Exhibition Unmasked!.
In other languages
Language | Title | |
بوكيمون الشمس والقمر Pokémon Alshams Walqamar | ||
Chinese | Cantonese | 精靈寶可夢 太陽&月亮 Jīnglìhng Pokémon Taaiyèuhng yúh Yuhtleuhng |
Mandarin | 精靈寶可夢 太陽&月亮 / 精灵宝可梦 太阳&月亮 Jīnglíng Pokémon Tàiyáng yǔ Yuèliàng | |
Pokémon Serien: Sol og Måne | ||
Pokémon de Serie: Zon & Maan | ||
Pokémon-sarja: Sun & Moon | ||
Pokémon, la série : Soleil et Lune | ||
Pokémon – Die TV-Serie: Sonne & Mond | ||
פוקימון - הסדרה: שמש וירח Pokémon - Ha'Sidra - Shemesh Ve'Yarehakh | ||
Serie Pokémon Sole e Luna | ||
포켓몬스터 썬&문 Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon | ||
Pokémon-serien: Sol og Måne | ||
Pokémon Seria: Słońce i Księżyc | ||
Portuguese | Pokémon, a série: Sol e Lua | |
Pokémon, a série: Sol e Lua | ||
Pokémon: Serialul - Soarele și Luna | ||
Покемон Сериал: Солнце и Луна Pokémon Serial: Solntse i Luna | ||
Spanish | La serie Pokémon: Sol y Luna | |
Serie Pokémon Sol y Luna | ||
Pokémon Serien: Sol & Måne | ||
โปเกมอน ซัน แอนด์ มูน Pokémon Sun and Moon | ||
Pokémon: Güneş ve Ay | ||
Pokémon the Series: Sun and Moon |
Pokemon Sun And Moon Full Episodes English Dub Youtube
External links
- Official site (Japanese)
Pokemon Sun And Moon English Dubbed
This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime. |