Nmtcb Ct Exam Review

The CT Registry Review Program presents a detailed discussion of every concept outlined in the content specifications for the CT certification exam offered by the ARRT and NMTCB. The course is intended for technologists who need an effective way to prepare for, and pass, the CT certification exam. Computed tomography (CT) can be an exciting and fulfilling career. As a CT technologist, you’ll likely work in a hospital or an imaging center. You’ll perform scans on all parts of the body for a variety of reasons. Some patients need imaging to diagnose a disease or an acute condition.

  1. Nmtcb Pet Ct Exam
  2. Nmtcb Ct Certification
  3. Nmtcb Ct Requirements
  • Welcome applicants! In this section you will find applications and preparation materials for each of NMTCB's certification examinations: the general nuclear medicine exam (CNMT), the post-primary NMTCB(CT) exam, the NCT and PET specialty examinations, and the Nuclear Medicine Advance Associate (NMAA) examination.
  • How to Get Certified as a CT Scan Technician. Medical imaging technology provides modern doctors with an unprecedented ability to see inside the human body. For example computed tomography imaging, better known as CT or 'CAT' scanning, uses an array of low-powered X-rays to generate highly detailed images of.

NMTCB(CT) Credential recognized by The Joint Commission
Effective September 1, 2016

The Joint Commission has recently approved new standards for accredited hospitals, critical access hospitals, and ambulatory care organizations (including those that have achieved Advanced Diagnostic Imaging certification) that provide diagnostic imaging services:

Standard HR.01.02.05 The [critical access] hospital verifies staff qualifications. Element of Performance for HR.01.02.05 A 19.

Technologists who perform diagnostic computed tomography (CT) exams have advanced-level certification by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) in computed tomography or have one of the following qualifications:

  • State licensure that permits them to perform diagnostic CT exams and documented training on the provision of diagnostic CT exams or
  • Registration and certification in radiography by ARRT and documented training on the provision of diagnostic CT exams or
  • Certification in nuclear medicine technology by ARRT or NMTCB and documented training on the provision of diagnostic CT exams (See also HR.01.02.01, EP 1; HR .01.02.05, EPs 1-3; HR.01.02.07, EPs 1 and 2; and HR.01.05.03, EP 26)

Note 1: Effective January 1, 2018, all technologists who perform diagnostic computed tomography (CT) exams will be expected to have advanced-level certification in computed tomography.

Note 2: This element of performance does not apply to CT exams performed for therapeutic radiation treatment planning or delivery, or for calculating attenuation coefficients for nuclear medicine studies.

Note 3: This element of performance does not apply to dental cone beam CT radiographic imaging studies performed for diagnosis of conditions affecting the maxillofacial region or to obtain guidance for the treatment of such conditions.

Standard HR.01.05.03 Staff participate in ongoing education and training. Elements of Performance for HR.01.05.03 C 26. Technologists who perform diagnostic computed tomography (CT) exams participate in education that prepares them to achieve advanced-level CT certification by January 1, 2018.

Note 1: This element of performance does not apply to CT exams performed for therapeutic radiation treatment planning or delivery, or for calculating attenuation coefficients for nuclear medicine studies.

Note 2: This element of performance does not apply to dental cone beam CT radiographic imaging studies performed for diagnosis of conditions affecting the maxillofacial region or to obtain guidance for the treatment of such conditions.

  • Posted: Feb 16, 2016 – Prepublication Standards – New Requirements for Diagnostic Imaging Services –

For more information regarding the NMTCB(CT) credential, please see:http://www.nmtcb.org/CT/CTexam.php

As always, the NMTCB is happy to assist you. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!

Katie Neal, BS, MS
Executive Director
Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board
3558 Habersham @ Northlake, Bldg. I
Tucker, GA 30084
p 404 315 1739 | f 404 315 6502 | www.NMTCB.org

“The PREMIER Certification Board for Nuclear Medicine Technologists”

  1. Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board, Atlanta, Georgia


The Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) started certifying technologists through examinations by offering its first paper-and-pencil (P&P) multiple-choice (MC) examination on September 15, 1978. Up until 1995, the Board regularly administered 2 P&P MC certification examinations per year. During 1996, the Board converted its P&P MC examination into computer-based testing (1). The NMTCB computerized examination has been one of the premier certification examinations not only in the field of nuclear medicine, but also in the field of computerized testing. The purpose of this article is to provide a general review of the existing computerized version of the NMTCB certification examination. In particular, we will review specifications of the computerized test, conversion of P&P into the computerized version, the reliability and validity of the computerized test, and the trend of computerized NMTCB testing in the future.

Nmtcb Pet Ct Exam

Computerized testing provides several advantages over P&P tests. The most frequently mentioned benefits are scheduling convenience for test-takers, short testing time, a secure testing environment, flexibility in the use of various item formats, a testing environment more realistic to the real world, and immediate score reporting. The NMTCB examination uses computerized adaptive testing (CAT) for classification. Under CAT, candidates are classified most accurately and efficiently into 2 categories, such as pass/fail, or minimally competent/not minimally competent. The computer administering the test stops when it determines that the ability of the examinee taking the test is clearly above or below the minimally competent level. However, the validity of the test score is questioned if a candidate below minimum competence passes the test, or if a candidate who is minimally competent to practice fails the test. These 2 errors are called false-positive and false-negative, respectively. A statistical technique called sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) is applied to control the false-positive and false-negative classification errors in the NMTCB computerized adaptive testing. The SPRT method is used widely to control such types of errors (2).


In a certification examination, determining a passing standard that divides the test scores into 2 categories of minimally competent/not minimally competent is an integral part of the examination development process. This determination is also an integral part of the CAT for classification. In the early days of the NMTCB test development process, the corrected Nedelsky method was used for determining the cutoff score for the examination (3). The examinations administered in September 1993 and June 1994 with the original 200-item tests were selected as the standard reference forms to determine the cutoff score for the computerized testing. The 200-item test refers to the P&P test with 200 multiple-choice questions used in the NMTCB examination. With these 2 administrations, 1322 candidates were tested. The passing score was 123 items (questions) correct out of 200 items (questions), or 61.5% (4). This passing score was determined using the aforementioned method. American College Testing, Inc. (ACT), a well-established testing company, helped the NMTCB to determine the passing score of its computerized adaptive testing by using 3 steps (4). First, all of the multiple-choice items included on the standard reference forms were calibrated using the 3-parameter item response theory (IRT) logistic model, a mathematic model that fit well with the NMTCB examination data. Calibration is the method by which item characteristics such as difficulty, discrimination, and guessing values of those items are determined for computerized testing. Second, the standard reference set test characteristic curve (TCC),1 based on the calibrated data, was drawn using the IRT model (Fig. 1) (4). Finally, the cutoff score (θ Passing) for the computerized testing that corresponded to the 61.5% on the P&P test was determined using the TCC curve. Candidates scoring above the cutoff are classified as minimally competent, and candidates scoring below the cutoff are classified as not minimally competent. The decision is based on the candidates’ responses to the items presented during the test. Items are presented to candidates based on 3 prespecified constraints: testing time limit, content coverage, and item exposure control.

View larger version:

Test characteristic curve drawn using the data from the original 200-item multiple choice test administered in September 1993 and June 1994.


Candidates who take the current NMTCB computerized adaptive test answer a total of 80–90 test items in 1 h and 45 min. Within this time limit, each candidate responds to a different number of test items because of its adaptive nature. However, each candidate responds to a total of 50–75 operational test items used to determine pass/fail status. The remaining 15–30 items to which candidates respond are pretest items, which have no impact on the pass/fail decision (5). These items (questions) are being pilot-tested for future operational use and are very important for maintaining the high quality of the item bank.


All of the items on the test are selected from 4 areas: radiation safety, instrumentation, clinical procedures and radiopharmacy. The 4 areas and the percentages of the total number of items from these areas were determined by the information received from task analysis. On each examination administered, it is very important to make sure that the number of items from the given 4 areas are selected based on 15%, 20%, 45% and 20% of the total number of test items, respectively (5).


This is an important issue in computerized testing. If many candidates see the same item repeatedly in a relatively short span of time, the item loses its usefulness. Thus, it is critical to present each item in the item bank only to a certain number of candidates taking the test. For the NMTCB certification examination, the target exposure rate is set to 15%. It is reassuring to note that the actual average exposure rate of all operational items in the NMTCB item bank has been around 14% (5).

During the computer administration of the test, candidates can fail the test under certain conditions even if they are minimally competent. Candidates fail the test if they do not respond to the minimum number of 50 items, if they quit before answering all the items presented, or if they fail to complete the test in the allotted time. Candidates cannot skip any item presented, but they can go back to review and change their own responses if they have enough time. This feature is much appreciated by NMTCB test takers.


Nmtcb Ct Exam Review

A measurement instrument is considered reliable when the instrument provides consistent readings for multiple measures. For example, when a patient’s body temperature was taken twice consecutively by the same thermometer, and if the 2 readings were not similar (e.g., 103° versus 98.1°), you would not use that thermometer again because you would consider the thermometer unreliable. The certification examination is used to ascertain the ability of examinees, and should provide consistent results when the testing is repeated on a group of individuals. The reliability of the NMTCB certification examination is evaluated by checking the consistency with which it would classify candidates if they were to take the same test (or one parallel to it) twice. By conducting CAT simulation studies, ACT was able to evaluate the reliability of the NMTCB certification examination by calculating 2 indices: proportion of agreement (P0) and Cohen’s kappa (5). The index P0 is the proportion of candidates that is consistently classified as pass/pass and fail/fail. However, this index (P0) is not sensitive to classifications that are correct by chance. Cohen’s kappa is corrected for chance and is interpreted as the proportion of consistent classification after correcting for chance. These indices range from 0 to 1, with the higher values indicating higher reliability. The proportion of consistent classifications agreement and Cohen’s kappa for the NMTCB CAT are estimated to be 0.95 and 0.76, respectively. Because the Cohen’s kappa index is adjusted for chance, its value is lower than the value of the index P0. However, the Cohen’s kappa of 0.76 for the NMTCB examination indicates that this certification examination is performing well.


Although reliability of an examination is very important, it is not a sufficient condition for a test score to be valid. In other words, a high level of reliability does not mean that test scores obtained from the reliable test are valid automatically. The Standards (6), an authoritative source of professional technical guidance in the field of certification testing, states, “Validity is, therefore, the most fundamental consideration in developing and evaluating tests.” The validity of test scores needs to be established, and it can be established by “accumulating evidence to provide a sound scientific basis for the proposed score interpretations (6, p. 9).” It is important to note that it is not the test that is to be validated, but it is the score interpretation or the inferences made from test scores that have to be validated.

However, there is no simple way—such as calculating a coefficient—to show that inferences made from test scores are valid. The best way to validate score interpretation is by collecting various evidence that supports the intended interpretations and their relevance to the proposed use. Construct-related, content-related, and criterion-related evidence could be collected to enhance the intended interpretation of test scores for the proposed purpose (6). Out of these various sources, however, some types of evidence are more appropriate in a given case than others, and for certification examinations it is the content-related evidence that is more heavily relevant (7,8). Providing content-related evidence for the nuclear medicine technologist certification examination involves not only defining the domain of test content and making sure that the test adequately covers the domain, but also defining critical skills and abilities necessary to practice the profession safely.

Nmtcb Ct Certification

To make sure that all of the content-based evidence is covered and updated for the NMTCB examination, the NMTCB has regularly conducted task analyses. The first task analysis was conducted in 1982 (9). Subsequent analyses were conducted on a regular basis, and the information was disseminated through JNMT (10–15). A new task analysis is planned for 2002. Updating the task analysis every 3–5 years is a standard practice in the field (16).

Criterion-related evidence is collected by relating the score of the examination to some outside criteria. In 1996, the Board required an additional 45 h of course work for alternate eligible candidates to qualify to take the NMTCB certification examination. This requirement was added to already existing requirements. During the period of 1992–1995, before the additional 45 h of course work was required, the passing rate of alternate eligible candidates was between 56–66%. However, during the period of 1997–1999, after the additional 45 h of educational course work was implemented, the passing rate of the alternate eligible candidates jumped to 87–100%. This additional requirement has had a positive impact on the passing rate of alternate eligible candidates.

Future of the Test

The rapid development of computer technology and easy Internet access holds many new promises and opportunities for the NMTCB certification examination. The ease and convenience of Internet access makes it likely that candidates will eventually take their certification examinations without leaving their campuses or the hospitals where they are trained. In addition, the availability of inexpensive but fast computers means that interactive, simulation-based testing could be implemented. Performance-based examinations are also considered more realistic and can test more skills critical to the day-to-day tasks of technologists than multiple-choice examinations.

Your Contribution

To ensure the continued success of the NMTCB certification examination, it is extremely important that you, as an expert practicing nuclear medicine, participate in all activities whenever you are approached by the Board. If contacted, you would have been selected through the random sampling statistical method; your response is necessary to enhance the power of the statistical analysis. Your responses to the survey questions about task analysis or your participation in item-writing workshops are very important to the Board. In general, your feedback to the Board on any examination issue is critical to the future examination development process.


  • For correspondence or reprints contact: Bhaskar R. Dawadi, PhD, Executive Director, Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board, 2970 Clairmont Rd., Suite 935, Atlanta, GA 30329; Phone 404-315-1739; Fax 404-315-6502; brdawadi@nmtcb.org.


Nmtcb Ct Requirements